Welcome to the faculty of Social Studies and RME. Here you will find information about the staff in this department and the different courses on offer to our young people - our 'Social Butterflies'. Links will take you to information on specific subjects, or feel free to scroll down the page and see the information relating to the department as a whole. 

Department Staff

Google Classroom Codes

S1 Learning Journey

S2 Learning Journey

Administration and IT

Business Management



Modern Studies

Religious and Moral Education/Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies

Useful Links


Social Studies and RME Staff:


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Staff   Subjects Taught
Miss Elliot Faculty Head Modern Studies
Miss Muir Acting Faculty Head Geography, Sociology and Criminology
Mr Campbell   Geography, Modern Studies and Criminology
Mr Elliot   Administration & IT and Business Management
Miss McClay PT Learning & Teaching History, Modern Studies and Criminology
Miss McNeil PT DYW Geography, Barista and Travel & Tourism
Miss Merrilees   Religious, Moral & Philosophical Studies and History
Mr Mann   History

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S1-3 courses fall under the Broad General Education phase of learning and are designed to offer a wide experience of learning to our young people, which they can then continue into S4-6, their Senior Phase. In S1, pupils have a single teacher for the academic year who delivers subject material for Business, Geography, History and Modern Studies. In S2, pupils will rotate within the department and normally have 2 teachers for the academic year, which allows slightly more subject specialist input before selecting their chosen areas for study in S3 as part of the options process.



S1 Course Overview

S1 Business Education focuses on business ethics and the legislation which is in place within the UK to protect citizens. Learners will also investigate different functions within a business such as and the role of the finance and marketing departments.

S1 Geography focuses on the geography of Scotland, looking at key locations, the natural landscape, tourism, population and comparing us to India. Pupils then look at the climatic zones of the Tundra and Hot Deserts, focusing on how people and animals are adapted to these environments and how climate change is affecting them.

S1 History focuses on the Scottish Wars of Independence, looking at key events in Scotland’s Medieval History including the Battle of Stirling Bridge, the role of William Wallace and Edward I’s subjugation of Scotland. Pupils will also be introduced to key historical skills such as explain and describe questions, as well as working with historical sources.

S1 Modern Studies focuses on Human Rights in the UK and around the world. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the overarching theme of the unit so that pupils can identify how and when young people are not having their rights met.

Religious and Moral Education (RME) is taught separately with single teacher delivery for the whole year. Pupils with receive one period of RME every week. S1 pupils will focus on three main units looking at the Origins of the Universe, an introduction to Morality with a focus on animal rights and an introduction to World Religions.

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S2 Course Overview

Pupils complete a rotation with at least two teachers of Business Education, Geography, History and Modern Studies. This should allow the young person to select appropriate pathways for S3.

S2 Business Education focuses on the different sectors of the economy, and the types of business within each. Pupils examine different stakeholders to an organisation and also consider the different ways to internally structure their company. Finally, they examine the HR department and working practices, as well as taking a look at the role of the operations department in a business.

S2 Geography focuses on natural disasters, such as volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. Pupils will consider how these happen, how they are predicted, how they affect people and landscapes and how damage can be prevented.

S2 History focuses on World War Two. Pupils will look at the causes, impact and long lasting effects of World War Two, key battles, evacuation and Hitler and the Holocaust.

S2 Modern Studies focuses on the Swinging Sixties, looking at what Britain looked like during this decade. Topics covered include Music, Fashion, Culture and the Rights Movement.

Religious and Moral Education (RME) is taught separately with single teacher delivery for the whole year. Pupils with receive one period of RME every week. S2 pupils will focus on three main units which will look at Christianity and Sectarianism, Religious Festivals around the world and an introduction to Judaism and then looking at the Holocaust.

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From S3 upwards, pupils select specific subjects to study for the full year with subject specialist teaching, rather than receiving smaller sections of subject specific input across the year. Pupils may benefit from having a USB pen which would allow them to save their work and subject specific materials. At National and Higher level, pupils may benefit from having a lever arch folder to organise and store their notes. Highlighters may also be useful in revision of key concepts.


Administration and IT

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S3 Administration and IT

Pupils in S3 Administration and IT will look at building their digital literacy skills and familiarity with the various packages within MS Office such as spreadsheets, databases and word processing. They will gain insight into the methods used to retrieve and present information, as well as start to develop their knowledge on the theoretical side of administration work e.g. the role of an Admin Assistant and health and safety practices.


N3/N4/N5/Higher Administration and IT


National qualifications in admin focus on three units of study:

Unit 1

Admin practices covers administrative theory such as the role of an admin assistant within an organisation, health and safety legislation and security of people, property and information.

Unit 2

Communication in administration focuses on communication within organisations and how to search for, and present information. In this unit students will develop skills on email, Electronic diary, and PowerPoint.

Unit 3

IT Solutions focuses on skills within Word Processing, Databases and Spreadsheets.  Students learn how to operate features of each programme to carry out admin tasks.

As pupil’s progress throughout N3-Higher, depth of knowledge and complexity of skills increases.


Business Management

S3 Business Management

Pupils focus on two key units - Business in Action where they examine sectors of business and types of companies within. They also look at Influences on Business, both internal and external, as well as how stakeholders can impact the organisation.

Evidence is gathered through classwork and various assessment throughout the year to help guide progression towards National Qualifications.


N3/4 Business

Pupils focus on two key units - Business in Action where they examine sectors of business and types of companies within. They also look at Influences on Business, both internal and external, as well as how stakeholders can impact the organisation.

Pupils will also complete an Added Value Unit where they get to investigate a company of their choice and apply their business knowledge to the project. This is internally assessed.


N5/Higher Business Management

Pupils will focus on 3 key units in National 5 and Higher Business management which are split and taught as 5 units:

Unit 1: Understanding Business

Understanding Business is an introduction into the business world, showing types of companies and how they operate.

Unit 2: Management of Marketing

Management of Marketing looks at how companies raise awareness of their products and entice customers to buy from them.

Unit 3: Management of Operations

Management of Operations examines the production methods used by the company and looks at how to control stock within the company.

Unit 4: Management of People

Management of People focuses on the HR department of an organisation and how they control the people element of a company.

Unit 5: Management of Finance

Management of finance examines sources of finance available and how a business records and controls money within their firm.

Pupils will complete an assessment at the end of each unit as well as the final exam. Pupils will also have to complete an investigative assignment task on a company of their choice. This assignment is worth 30 marks overall and is externally assessed by SQA.


NPA Business With IT - Level 5/Level 6

This course is currently offered to S5/6 students (or students in S4 studying N5 Business Management and Admin and IT) and combines elements of both the Business Management course, and Admin and IT curriculum. Students enhance their understanding of the business world looking at reasons for businesses to exist and structure themselves, as well as the role of Marketing and Operations departments. In addition, they develop their practical ICT skills by completing elements of the Admin and IT course, including Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Presentation Software and also electronic communication. 

This course is internally assessed to meet SQA standards, and does not require an external examination.



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S3 Geography 

Pupils will study a range of topics and develop skills to prepare them for National Qualifications, including Environmental Issues, Urban Environments, Extreme Weather and China.


National 4/5/Higher

National Qualifications are divided into three sections: Physical Environments, Human Environments and Global Issues. At Higher, there is also an Application of Skills section in the exam.  The department offer N3 to Higher.



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S3 History 

Pupils will study three main topics and develop skills to prepare them for the transition to National Qualifications. S3 History pupils will study:

Unit 1: WW1, which will cover:

  • Causes
  • Recruitment
  • Life in the Trenches
  • Technology of War
  • The Home Front (Britain and Germany)
  • The End of the War

Unit 2: Hitler and the Holocaust , will cover:

  • The Abdication of the Kaiser
  • The Golden Years
  • Hyperinflation
  • The Munich Putsch
  • The Night of the Long Knives
  • Opposition to the Nazis
  • Chancellorship to Dictatorship
  • The Terror State
  • The Treatment of the Jews
  • Nazi Education

Unit 3: Free At Last: Civil Rights in the USA:

  • Immigration in the USA up to 1928
  • ‘Separate but Equal’, to 1945
  • Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1968
  • Ghettos and Black American Radicalism

Pupils will also complete a historical research task into a period of History they have an interest in. They will be required to use a range of Primary and Secondary sources to investigate their chosen topic.  


National 3/4/5 History 

History students in S4 sitting N3/4/5 qualifications will study three different sections. They will study:

  • Free At Last: Civil Rights in the USA,
  • The Scottish Wars of Independence
  • The Making of Modern Britain.

If pupils opt to study History in S5/6, they will study slightly different topics as the N5 course is run in conjunction with Higher History. Pupils will study Migration and Empire, The Making of Modern Britain and Hitler and Nazi Germany.

As part of the N5 course, all pupils will complete an assignment task which contributes to their final grade along with the final exam.


Higher History 

Higher History pupils will study three topics:

  • Britain 1851-1951,
  • Germany 1815-1939
  • Migration and Empire

Pupils will complete two question papers in the final exam. Paper one will require pupils to write two essays in the final exam, one on the British topic and one on the World and European topic. Pupils will then complete a second question paper focusing on Historical interpretation of sources, based on the Migration and Empire topic. Higher History pupils will also be required to complete an assignment task that will be completed in school under exam conditions and sent to SQA for external marking.


Modern Studies

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S3 Modern Studies

Pupils will study three main topics which will take a focus on the main skills in Modern Studies to prepare pupils for the transition to National Qualifications. S3 pupils will study:

Unit 1: Crime and Law, which will cover:

  • What is crime?
  • Roles and powers of the Police
  • Causes of crimes
  • The Children’s Hearing system
  • The Court System in Scotland
  • Verdicts
  • Punishments

Unit 2: Life in a Democracy will cover:

  • Rights & responsibilities
  • Participation
  • Voting systems
  • The work of parliament (UK & Scottish)
  • Pressure Groups

Unit 3: International Terrorism will cover:

  • Types of terrorist acts
  • Causes of terrorists acts
  • Terrorist groups around the world
  • Major attacks around the world
  • Responses to terrorists acts


N3/N4/N5/Higher Modern Studies

National Qualifications are divided into three sections:

  • Democracy in Scotland
  • Crime and the law
  • America as a world power.

Various skills are embedded into the qualification from S3 onwards, for example pupils will further explore key skills such as making conclusions, using evidence and critical thinking.



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In S3, pupils receive one period per week of core RME, but can also elect to study RMPS towards achieving a national qualification.



Pupils will one have period of RME a week where they will develop their own moral viewpoints, beliefs and values. They will focus on 3 key areas:

  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Morality and Relationships
  • New Religious Movements and Cults



Pupils will study three main topics which will take a focus on the main skills in RMPS to prepare pupils for the transition to National Qualifications.

  • World Religion: Islam and Islamophobia
  • Morality and Belief: Morality, Medicine and the Human Body
  • Religious Philosophical Question: Evil and Suffering


N3/N4/N5/Higher RMPS

National Qualifications are divided into three sections:

  • Buddhism,
  • Morality, Medicine and the Human Body (S4),
  • Morality and Justice (S5/6)
  • The Existence of God.

Various skills are embedded into the qualification from N3-Higher.


Advanced Higher RMPS

Higher RMPS is divided into three sections:

  • Philosophy of Religion,
  • Medical Ethics
  • Project Dissertation.

Pupils must achieve a Higher RMPS 'B' or above in order to meet the entry requirement for this course.





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P7/S1 Welcome Videos

The different departments have created short welcome videos to introduce the staff and the subjects taught in them. Have a look and see who your teacher could be.